

The build command can take a config file as argument:

vendor/bin/easy-doc build doc/config.php

If not specified, it will try to load .easy-doc.php from the current directory. If none exist, it will simply fallback to default settings.

The config file must be a PHP file returning custom settings as an array:


return [
    // Specify a PHP template to use to render pages
    'layout' => __DIR__.'/layout.php',

    // Specify the $baseHref variable the layout.php will receive
    'baseHref' => '/',

    // A page to copy to index.html
    'index' => 'getting-started.html', 

    // Where to output the generated website
    'websiteDirectory' => __DIR__.'/dist/website',

    // Directory containing documentation source files
    'sourceDirectory' => __DIR__.'/doc',

    // Directory containing CSS, JS, images and other assets
    'assetsDirectory' => __DIR__.'/assets',

layout.php would look like:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $baseHref ?? ''; ?>/css/layout.css" media="screen">
    <title>My library</title>

    <a href="<?php echo $baseHref ?? ''; ?>/">My library</a>

<div id="content">

    echo $content ?? '';



    echo $menu ?? '';


    My license

<script src="<?php echo $baseHref ?? ''; ?>/js/layout.js"></script>

In the example above css and js are sub-directories of the assets directory set as 'assetsDirectory' in the config file. Here you can add any library you want such as prismjs to color code examples.

The layout receive 2 variables $content and $menu. $menu contains links in <li></li> items auto-generated from your documentation source directory structure.

And $content is the current page content.

By default you can use HTML to create documentation pages, for instance a getting-started.html page with:

<h1>Getting started</h1>

<pre>composer install my-vendor/my-super-library</pre>

And you can specify a transformation/rendering/parsing for each file extension of your documentation pages in your PHP config file:


return [
    'index' => '/',
    'websiteDirectory' => __DIR__.'/../dist/website',
    'sourceDirectory' => __DIR__,
    'assetsDirectory' => __DIR__.'/assets',
    'layout' => __DIR__.'/layout.php',
    'extensions' => [
        'html' => function ($file) {
            return strtr(file_get_contents($file), [
                'my-vendor' => 'phpmd',
                'my-super-library' => 'phpmd',

So you can basically use any renderer and custom transformations.

Here are some examples of parser implementations: