
Create a menu

The directory you specify as 'sourceDirectory' in your config file will contain the pages of your documentation and may contain a .index.php file to configure the menu.

For instance:


return [
        'index' => true,
        'name' => 'Getting started',
        'path' => 'getting-started.md',
        'name' => 'Customize',
        'path' => 'customize/',
        'directory' => true,
        'name' => 'Create a menu',
        'path' => 'create-a-menu.md',

The .index.php should return an array of the menu items.

Each item should be an array containing at least a name and a path.

One of the item should contain 'index' => true to mark it as the index of the menu.

And items containing sub-items should be marked as 'directory' => true and its path should a sub-directory of 'sourceDirectory' this sub-directory can contain its own .index.php file containing sub-items definitions with relative paths.